
15 Sep                     18 Sep 2012


curated by Mirene Arsanios and Valerio Del Baglivo

The three-day summer school hosted by the Villa Romana in Florence is an attempt to reconsider pedagogical forms traditionally linked to the production of knowledge. Through a series of talks, performances, and collective experiments, Oh Seminar! performatively revisits acts of reading, writing, and dialoguing  pondering upon the  the politics of transmission and its aesthetic dimension. Can reading, writing or taking notes become aesthetic practices rather than utilitarian tools? These questions will be actively engaged through the participatory set-up of the summer school.

Based  on  How We Behave, Foucault’s 1983 interview published in Vanity Fair,  Grant Watson address questions of  bios and art making. Can the self, as practice, become a site for artistic creation? Iacopo Seri directly experiments on the subject and his/ her intellectual faculties with a collective drinking and reading session (In Vino Veritas). The Netherland based collective, Read-in will carry out, together with the participants, site specific reading performances, and the UK based duo, Open Dialogues reflects on the act of note taking with NOTA, a writing performance.


15 september
6 pm
Public presentation of the project Open Dialogues - NOTA (NOTER)
6.30 pm
Open Dialogues - NOTA (NOTES)
7.30 pm
Grant Watson - Life as a Work of Art

16 september
4 - 7 pm
Open Dialogues - Nota (NOT, NOTES, NOTER (NOTA)
10pm - 1 am
Read-in Collective - The Garden Villa Sessions

17 september
3 - 6 pm
Read-in Collective - in coda, piazze, e Read-in classico
7.30 - 9 pm
Iacopo Seri - In Vino Veritas

18 september
12 am - 3 pm
Iacopo Seri - Hangover Brunch
